Firstly, can I say a very sincere thank to everyone who has me emails, letters ,cards, and Mass cards. Also I have felt the power of your prayers and the warmth of all the candles lit. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind but have been greatly calmed by all the support.


Since I was diagnosed I realised the only medication is 24 years old and that the Motor Neurone Disease Association can only provide three nurses for the whole country with just over 400 people living with this illness. Their salaries are paid for by church gate collections.


Rather than just complaining about these facts I want to use my time and my voice to do something about it. To this end we invite you to become part of Walk While You Can, to donate, walk with us, organise a fundraising event or offer accommodation to around 6 of us doing the whole walk.


All funds will be donated for research for new medication RMN and to the IMNDA for the care of those living with the illness.


For all information, please go to


PLEASE HELP! Thanks! Fr. Tony