The justice and integrity of God flow throughout the whole of creation. God’s generosity knows no bounds, and sometimes – as Jesus shows us in
today’s parable – it is too much for human minds to comprehend. Quite simply, God’s ways are not our ways.

Isaiah, in the First reading, calls us to turn back and seek out the Lord. The Lord is near to us, and full of mercy and forgiveness.

The response to the Psalm declares that the Lord is close to all who call him. Our Lord is kind, full of compassion, and his abounding love is for the whole of creation. Such wonderful greatness cannot be measured.

Paul declares that life itself is Christ, and his evident enthusiasm encourages us to fully embrace a life centred on Christ. (Second reading)

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus uses a parable of workers in the vineyard to challenge and stretch our thinking about those who are called to live and work for the Kingdom of God. We are all equal in God’s eyes, and there is no room for human ideas of hierarchy and self-importance. The first will be last and the last will be first.

As we come to pray together, with Christ at the centre of all that we are and do, how might we live out these radical Gospel values in a world that is in so much need of the kindness and compassion of God?

May we have the grace to listen to the cry of the prophet, and to seek the Lord with all our heart, mind and spirit. In this coming week, let us pray for each other with a generous love, recognising that we are all equal as we Soil, Water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God. work together in the vineyard of the Lord.