The Light of the Christmas Star to you
The Warmth of home and hearth to you
The Cheer and good will of Friends to you
The Hope of a childlike heart to you
The Joy of a thousand angels to you
The Love of the Son and God’s peace to you
- Mount Merrion Parish Community Centre (MMPCC)
- ‘The Lord will reign for ever!’
- A few words from Fr Joe……………….
- ‘As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love.’
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………
- A few words from Fr Joe………………
- Christ, our hope, is risen! Alleluia!
- Ash Wednesday
- You are my Child, the Beloved; my favour rests on you’
- ‘Prepare a way for the Lord!’
- A few words from Fr. Joe….
- ‘Stay awake! Be ready!’
- A few words from Fr Joe……………..
- ‘For you my soul is thirsting, O Lord my God’
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………..
- ‘But you, who do you say I am?’
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………..
- ‘Come to me, and I will give you rest’
- A few words from Fr Joe……………..
- ‘Peace be with you!’
- A few words from Fr Joe……..
- ‘The Father will give you another Advocate to be with you forever’
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………..
- ‘No one can come to the Father, except through me’
- A few words from Fr Joe……………….
- Their eyes were opened and they recognized him
- A few words from Fr Joe…………..
- Rejoice!
- Walk While You Can on Tour 2023 – ‘The Camino’ – A walk of Remembrance
- God has saved us by his own grace
- A few words from Fr Joe………………….
- The Lord is Compassion and Love
- A Light in the Darkness
- Mount Merrion Parish Pastoral Council
- Week of Christian Unity
- Jesus, Light of the World
- A few words from Fr Joe…………..
- A Christmas Blessing
- A few personal words from Fr Joe…………………
- ‘Let us walk in the light of the Lord’
- A few words from Fr Joe……………………
- For you the sun of righteousness will shine out with healing in its rays
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………
- A few words from Fr Joe
- God be merciful to me, a sinner!
- Sing a new song to the Lord!
- A few words from the Parish Priest …………..
- It is the Lord who keeps faith for ever
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………………
- ‘Rejoice with me … I have found my sheep that was lost!’
- A few words from Fr Joe………………..
- True discipleship
- A few words from Fr Joe………….
- The readings for this Sunday speak of humility, and help us think about the order of things in the kingdom of God.
- A few words from Fr Joe……………..
- ‘The last shall be first …’
- A few words from Archbishop Dermot
- There is more to life than wealth and riches
- A few words from Father Joe…………………
- Jesus our Guest
- A few words from Father Joe…………………..
- ‘And who is my neighbour?‘
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………
- The Kingdom of God is very near you!
- A few words from Fr Joe……………….
- ‘Follow me’
- A few words from Fr Joe…………..
- The Lord is the strength of his people
- A few words from Fr Joe………..
- Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
- A few words from Fr Joe………..
- A few words from Fr Joe………..
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………….
- ‘A peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.’
- ‘Love one another, just as I have loved you’
- A few words from Fr Joe…………….
- ‘I know them and they follow me.’
- A few words from Fr Joe…………….
- He saw and he believed!
- A few words for Easter Sunday
- ‘Into your hands I commit my spirit’
- A few words from Fr Joe
- ‘Rejoice! This child of mine was lost, and is found!’
- A few words from Fr Joe…………….
- God of Compassion and Love
- A few words from Fr Joe……………….
- ‘This is my Son the Chosen One. Listen to him!’
- A few words from Fr Joe……………….
- ‘If you are the Son of God …’
- A few words from Fr Joe……………..
- The disciple will imitate their teacher
- A few words from Fr Joe……………..
- ‘My soul, give thanks to the Lord!’
- A few words from Fr Joe………….
- Happy are those who trust in the Lord
- A few words from Fr Joe………………………….
- A few words from Fr Joe…………………
- ‘Put out into deep water!’
- Christ the prophet