On this Laetare (‘Rejoice!’) Sunday at the mid-point of Lent, our liturgy centres on the boundless forgiveness of our loving God.  We may choose to turn away from his love, but God forever turns towards us, longing to embrace us with compassion and rejoicing when we come back to him.

In the First Reading God tells Joshua that he has taken away the shame of the people of Israel: their years in exile eating manna in the desert are over. From now on, they eat from the bounty of the land.

The generosity of God’s goodness and forgiveness is proclaimed throughout the Psalm. God comes to us in our need and distress, desiring us to put aside our shame and be radiant with his transforming love.

Paul’s letter to the Corinthians continues this feast of forgiveness. We are reconciled to God through Christ and in him we are a new creation, liberated from our sins. (Second Reading)

Finally, the beautiful parable that Jesus shares in today’s Gospel sums up the whole message of the Good News and the promise of reconciliation. This reconciliation is made complete through the events of Holy Week and Easter that we will soon celebrate.

In this Jubilee Year, we pray as Pilgrims of Hope, made new in Christ. This week, we pray for all those in the world who are unable to secure enough food to eat from their land as a result of a changing climate.  May we be moved with compassion to take whatever practical steps we can to alleviate their food poverty.