The readings for today (the final Sunday before Lent) remind us how words and actions illustrate what lies in the heart of each person.

The First Reading speaks of the true test of a person being what they say, and thus the importance of listening carefully to others. We also need to be conscious of our own choice of words.

The Psalm celebrates the joy of offering thanks to the Lord for the goodness he brings to those who follow his ways.

In similar vein, St Paul encourages the early Christian community in Corinth to persevere in serving the Lord (Second Reading). Paul reminds them – and us – that following the example of Jesus will never be in vain.

In the Gospel, we see Jesus using striking visual images to illustrate his teaching. Firstly, he warns us of the dangers of following others blindly, and then speaks of the danger of judging others whilst not acknowledging our own failings.

Three of our four readings this week speak of the care and conditions that trees need in order to produce sound fruit. So, as Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee Year, we pray that we may be ever mindful of the impact our ways of living can have on the natural environment. We pray that we will make good choices to protect God’s creation.