It is the Lord who keeps faith for ever

Our faith in the Lord calls us to act with justice and integrity at all times. The readings this Sunday present a stark call to wake up from complacency and comfort, so that we may focus our lives on the Lord and respond with compassion and love to the needs of the...

A few words from Fr Joe…………………………

Opening of the academic year Masses and Services are a wonderful gathering of the whole school community. For many reasons, an energy pulsates through the environment when so many students gather with their teachers in the church. The daily and Sunday congregations...

A few words from Fr Joe………………..

I was at Mass one day during the week at Holy Cross Monastery near Rostrevor, Co. Down. The Abbot was the presider and preacher. About 10 people made up the congregation and there were another 6 monks present. All in all, a small gathering. Mass lasted almost 50...

True discipleship

Our readings this week lead us to contemplate Christ’s self-sacrificing love. We are asked to follow him, the Wisdom of God incarnate. The First Reading states bluntly that we have enough difficulty grasping the world around us, so how can we understand the mind of...

A few words from Fr Joe………….

30 years ago I hugged Barbara and said goodbye. It was the last day of our 3 years as post grad students in Rome and the whole group went for a mass, a meal and with back slaps and hugs we promised to keep in touch, wished each other well and left for home. Barbara...