Jesus, Light of the World

Today’s readings on this Sunday of the Word of God proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, the light of the world: a beacon who draws all peoples to himself. When the old tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali were being deported to Assyria, Isaiah promised that their land,...

A few words from Fr Joe…………..

There are just a few days in the year that we celebrate in the here and now, while below the surface of our feelings are all the experiences of this same day celebrated in times past. We have had a life time of Christmas experiences and today we add another layer to...

A Christmas Blessing

The Light of the Christmas Star to you The Warmth of home and hearth to you The Cheer and good will of Friends to you The Hope of a childlike heart to you The Joy of a thousand angels to you The Love of the Son and God’s peace to...

A few personal words from Fr Joe…………………

For just the second time in 36 years I didn’t turn up for Mass on Sunday. Instead of being vested and ready for the Family Mass I was instead hobbling into a Swiftcare clinic. An arthritic flare up in my knee caused intense pain and made it impossible to stand at the...

‘Let us walk in the light of the Lord’

  This Sunday we enter into the beautiful season of Advent.  Our attitude at this time is one of watching and waiting, and the graces to pray for are joy and hope.  Our weary world is in so much need of this spirit, and of the light and peace of the coming...

A few words from Fr Joe……………………

Patrick’s Kavanagh’s poem Advent speaks to and from the religious culture of his own time, an era when penance was practiced and heartfelt hope in the power of Bethlehem offered redemption. The Advent darkened room he recalls was a place of dry black bread and...