The Unveiling

The Unveiling

On Saturday afternoon a dedicated team gathered on the altar to set up the jubilee wall hanging. (They were entertained musically for a while when the junior choir gathered for their regular Saturday afternoon practise). On Sunday morning after both 10am & 11.15am...

Grandparent’s Day Mass

On Thursday lunchtime all the boys and girls from 3rd Class in Scoil San Treasa were invited, along with their Grandparents, to attend a special Grandparent’s Day Mass. Much preparation went in in advance of the actual day. The third class teachers worked with...

Cake Sale

After the 11.15 Family Mass on Sunday there was a wonderful selection of cakes, tea and coffee for sale in the Community Centre. The Children’s Choir were fundraising for their upcoming trip to the Cork Choral festival at the end of April. It is impossible to...
Baptism Celebration Mass

Baptism Celebration Mass

All the children baptised in 2016 were invited with their families to a special baptismal celebration Mass this morning at 11.15. They were warmly welcomed by the Baptismal Team. An opening procession with the five symbols of Baptism including water from the font were...