God has saved us by his own grace

Today’s readings encourage us to think about our journey of faith in the company of the transfigured Lord, and the importance of trusting in the call and grace of God our Father. The First Reading tells of God’s astonishing call to Abram to abandon his land, his...

A few words from Fr Joe………………….

Every time I meet or chat with Fr Donie he shares just how many people have asked him about how I’m getting on, so to ease the demands on him, and others, to answer that question I thought it might be a good idea to give a little update myself. It’s just about 6 weeks...

The Lord is Compassion and Love

We live in times when many of our conversations exaggerate difference and division. But the scripture for this Sunday proclaims a radical message of love that overcomes hatred, and a compassion that heals and unifies. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians (Second...

A Light in the Darkness

Our readings this Sunday lead us to focus on what Jesus considers to be the qualities of his disciples. In following his teaching, we can become silent witnesses to his kingdom in our world. Isaiah, in the First Reading, tells the returned exiles that their prayer and...

Mount Merrion Parish Pastoral Council

Dear Parishioners Following a number of invitations (by Fr Joe) for parishioners to come forward to form a new Mount Merrion Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) during the Summer and Autumn, we are now delighted to confirm that a new core Parish Pastoral Council has been...

Week of Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity takes place from 18th to 25th of January Each year from 18-25th January, the Church prays in particular for the desire of Jesus that all his disciples be united as one. The theme and texts for the Week of Prayer this year has...