Ceremony of Healing

Ceremony of Healing

Ceremony of Healing: will take place on Sunday 4th March at 3:30pm in our church. As we see from the Gospels, Jesus went out proactively and prioritised those in need of healing. This is a special and unique opportunity for us to seek out healing of mind, body and...
Parish Pastoral Council

Parish Pastoral Council

YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOU! Would you, or someone you know, serve as a Parish Pastoral Council member? For more information collect a booklet at the back of the church and, if further interested, come along to ONE of the discernment information meetings. Discernment...

The Wallhanging is installed

The Wallhanging is installed! After many months of work by the dedicated and talented parish needlework group, the Wallhanging, comprising three panels, was recently installed outside the Chapel of St. Thérèse. This location was chosen to give as much protection as...
World Meeting of Families 2018

World Meeting of Families 2018

As part of the diocesan preparation for World Meeting of Families 2018 each parish is asked to nominate a family that will be chosen by lottery to represent the Archdiocese of Dublin in Knock at the official launch of the one year programme of preparations for WMOF...
Special Collection for  East Africa

Special Collection for East Africa

This weekend there is an emergency Church Appeal for East Africa.  There is an appalling situation facing the people of East Africa due to drought and conflict. The situation is now critical and your generous support to this appeal would be greatly appreciated.  It...