A Coffee Morning in support of Fr. Tony

A Coffee Morning in support of Fr. Tony

The Coffee Morning held on 21st July at the Little Sisters of the Poor, Holy Family Residence, was a great success. All money raised will go to Fr. Tony Coote’s WWYC fund. A very special thank you to Mother Jacinta and the Community and to all who supported this very...

WWYC The Irish Times Article

Read the Irish Times Article on Fr. Tony’s walk fundraising starting Tuesday 10th July https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/religion-and-beliefs/motor-neurone-disease-is-a-nightmare-but-i-m-adapting-says-priest-1.3558211
Gala Charity Concert

Gala Charity Concert

A big thank you to all who supported the Gala Charity Concert in aid of Fr Tony’s Walk While You Can charity. €13,000 was raised for Research Motor Neurone and the Irish Motor Neurone Association. It was a wonderful community evening where the parishes of Mount...
World Meeting of Families 2018

World Meeting of Families 2018

People wishing to travel on one of the three coaches we have organised for the Pope’s Mass in the Phoenix Park should contact the Parish Office to indicate the number of places they require. We need your name, number of places, your contact number and reference number...