Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration

Volunteers required for the months of July and August to replace people who are on holidays to do one hour in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. If you could help please leave your name and contact number in the sacristy or phone Kathleen 087 6844236

Cardinal Bo’s Message for Pentecost 2019

‘Pray for a truly missionary conversion of the whole Church’ My dear Brother Bishops, We are indeed blessed with the renewed call made by our dear Holy Father Pope Francis on the occasion of Pentecost 2019 “to pray for a truly missionary conversion of the whole...


Volunteering can be a wonderful thing for a Parish and for an individual. It is a way for us to listen and to offer our personal gifts to the service of our whole community in a certain way for a limited period of time. It is a way to respond to God’s call for us and...

Letter to priests and parishes from Archbishop Martin

I wish to let you know of a change regarding Sunday collections in the coming weeks. On the weekend of 11 and 12 May, we will celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday. This Sunday will continue to be an irreplaceable occasion to reflect on the importance of the ministerial...