One’s Life Does Not Consist of Possessions

Jesus tells the sad story of a rich man who found security in material things and forgot about the most important thing: love of God and neighbour. After a bountiful harvest, the man rightly asks himself: “What shall I do?”. In fact, all of us need to see ourselves as...

Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration

Volunteers required for the months of July and August to replace people who are on holidays to do one hour in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. If you could help please leave your name and contact number in the sacristy or phone Kathleen 087 6844236
Peter’s Pence Collection

Peter’s Pence Collection

At this weekend’s Masses (Saturday and Sunday 29-30 June) the annual Peters Pence collection supporting the charities of Pope Francis will be taken up at all Masses and will replace the Share collection. “It is communion in Christ and the Church that animates,...

Thursday 27th June Lectio Divina with Sr. Marie Carr

Mount Merrion Parish Office – Thursday 27th June 11am – 12 During lent this year a group met weekly for lectio Divina / prayer and reflection and have decided to continue on a monthly basis. They are open to newcomers and will meet before the summer break on...