Ring out your joy to the Lord!

Ring out your joy to the Lord!

This week’s readings speak powerfully of faith, hope and trust in God. During the coming week and for the weeks ahead, God’s word inspires, sustains and encourages us as we continue to live with the impacts of current events. We learn how the early church devised a...

Opening the Church for Private Prayer:

As we enter the first phase of relaxing the restrictions caused by the COVID 19 virus on May 18th many people have told me how much they would like to have the church open for private prayer. I am totally in agreement with that idea. There are a variety of opinions on...

Thank you to everyone who has dropped in Easter dues, your generosity is appreciated. If you would still like to donate, you can now do so  here using the donate button on the top right hand corner of the page and choose one of the following options: 1st collection...
Good Shepherd Sunday

Good Shepherd Sunday

Today is known as Good Shepherd Sunday, for the Gospel is always taken from St John, where Jesus speaks of himself as the ‘Good Shepherd’. A shepherd leads his flock and Jesus is the shepherd who leads his followers. The sheep know his voice, trust him, and will...
Did our hearts not burn within us …?

Did our hearts not burn within us …?

Our readings this Sunday are full of the firm faith in the resurrection of Jesus, both in the teachings of St Peter and in the witness of the disciples in Emmaus. The First Reading gives us the first part of Peter’s rousing address to the crowd at Pentecost.  Filled...
A Virtual Pilgrimage to Knock with the Archdiocese of Dublin

A Virtual Pilgrimage to Knock with the Archdiocese of Dublin

2.30pm:              Rosary 3.00pm:              Pilgrimage Mass celebrated by the Rector of Knock  Shrine, Fr Richard Gibbons 3.45pm:              Benediction 4.00pm:              Virtual visit to the Apparition Chapel 4.15pm:            Opportunity to place a...