‘Come to me, and I will give you rest’

Praise to God and joy in God’s merciful love, justice and peace are themes which run through the readings for this Sunday. The First Reading from Zechariah describes how God will defeat his enemies and establish himself as king – not through war and aggression, but...

A few words from Fr Joe……………..

Last weekend we began the Summer Schedule for the Sunday Masses. As you know we just reduced the number of Masses across the three parishes in our partnership by 2, suspending the 10.00am in Kilmacud and the 11.30am in Mount Merrion. This left both parishes with their...

‘Peace be with you!’

‘Peace be with you!’ With these words the Risen Lord stood amongst his fear-filled followers (Gospel). He breathed the Holy Spirit upon them. With their hearts filled with joy, Jesus sent them out to bring the fire of his love to all. With the Holy Spirit transforming...

A few words from Fr Joe……..

I often wondered what it is like to work in a charity shop. I can just imagine families dropping in bags and boxes containing the things too good to throw out, but not special enough to keep, the bits and pieces of someone now gone from us. The people who donate,...

A few words from Fr Joe…………………..

From May 21st-29th we are all invited to make a Novena to the Holy Spirit for the renewal of the Church in the Archdiocese of Dublin. A prayer has been specially written and will be spoken aloud at every Mass, in every church, in every parish uniting the whole...