‘Peace be with you!’

‘Peace be with you!’

Pentecost, seen as the birthday of the Christian Church, is the culmination of Eastertide. It is the day when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the start of the Church’s mission to the world – a mission to bring people to God. We hear of this in the Gospel,...


After his resurrection, at the moment in which he returned to his Father, Jesus pours out the Spirit upon his disciples and makes them sharers in his own mission.  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the disciples went out on the first Pentecost Sunday and began to...
Fr. Joe Message

Fr. Joe Message

It’s never easy to ask for money, least of all in a time when many are coping with reduced income and loss of employment. I was a little hesitant to ask for your support for the Easter Dues recently. As I explained in the letter sent to all who are on the parish...

All these joined in continuous prayer …

In this time of worldwide fear and uncertainty, we are called to a deepening faith in our Lord, our stronghold and hope. As Christians, we also try to be a beacon of light for our fellow human beings. The First Reading picks up the early Christian story immediately...

Welcome back

One day recently, when the church was open for a funeral, a parishioner slipped in to light a candle. As I passed by, her immediate response was to apologise for doing this. I lifted my hands in a “no problem” gesture. She then explained the reason for her visit, a...