A few words from Fr Joe………..

  Three images from the news last night caused me to stop and wonder what life is all about. The first was of a candle lit vigil in Ballinteer, a community responding to the death of two children and a mother in their estate. The neighbours were stunned into...

Give to God what belongs to God

Today’s readings concentrate on God as ruler over all the world. The First Reading teaches us about the relationship between God and Cyrus, one of the most powerful earthly rulers. Even though Cyrus did not know God, God works through him, giving Cyrus all that he...

A few words from Fr Joe……………

I had a little look around at the confessionals when I arrived in Mt Merrion. In my previous parish, when I started, there were four massive confessionals, we had two dismantled and disposed of, we used another and the fourth was full of chairs and boxes of candles....
Come to the Wedding!

Come to the Wedding!

Images of banquets and feasting, of hospitality and generosity abound in this week’s readings. In the First Reading, the prophet Isaiah tells how God will prepare a banquet of rich food for all peoples. He will remove their sadness so that all will rejoice in the...

A few words from the Parish Priest…

Two weeks ago, writing in the Newsletter, I expressed my opinion that if the level 3 restrictions were going to be extended that some new initiatives would need to be explored to connect parishioners, clergy, and ministry groups. We now know that for a further 3...

Let me sing the song of his love for his vineyard’

This week’s readings remind us that the Lord of the vineyard is the God of hosts, the master of creation and the giver of all gifts. The texts invite us to reflect on both the Lord’s giving of such gifts and on our acceptance of them. We, the beneficiaries, are...