Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Baptisms in the parish have really be effected by the Covid 19 restrictions, as families couldn’t travel, celebrate or mix the generations safely. So congratulations to all who were baptised during the year, thanks for your patience to...

A few words from Fr. Joe…

How many pine needles are there on a Christmas Tree? I wondered about this when I took down my tree just after the Epiphany.  Having removed all the lights and decorations, the tree looked fine to me, but the floor was carpeted with pine needles. Then I pulled the...


We welcome our new Archbishop elect, Mgr Dermot Farrell and look forward to getting to know him in the time ahead. We are thankful for the many ways that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin blessed our parish and wish him well in his well-earned retirement. Three things stood...

A few words from Fr Joe

I lived in Portobello for a while, just a short stroll from Christchurch Cathedral. Some friends would come for food on New Year’s Eve and a little after 11.00pm we would walk there together and merge into the huge crowd of people who gathered to share in “ringing’ in...

A few words from Fr Joe…………..

I have a drawer in my desk into which I have dropped a variety of cards received during 2020. When I’m feeling down or blue I only have to dip in there and reread some of the kind words people have written about something I did for them, that the parish staff provided...


First Reading: Genesis 15: 1-6; 21: 1-3 or Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 1 Now when these things were done, the word of the Lord came to Abram by a vision, saying: Fear not, Abram, I am thy protector, and thy reward exceeding great. 2 And Abram said: Lord God, what wilt thou...