A few words from Fr Joe……….

Many years ago, I was blessed to be able to attend one of the 4 golf majors.  The parish I was helping out in during the summer was next door to the Belrive Country Club and the US PGA was being held there. A kind parishioner got me a ticket for the practice days and...

God loved the world so much …

God’s love for humanity is proclaimed throughout the liturgy this Sunday. The readings shed light on our story of salvation, and reflect the depth of eternal love that God expresses for all people. The First Reading describes how, for centuries, prophets had...

A few words from Fr Joe…………..

There has been a lot of commentary in recent days to suggest that our response to the pandemic restrictions are fraying at the edges. People have endured a whole year of isolation, separation, staying at home, measuring the number of kilometres to see the options for...

The power and wisdom of the crucified Christ

Today, we dedicate ourselves anew to keeping God’s commandments, as we celebrate the mystery of God’s love for us, shown through the wisdom and power of Christ. Having rescued his people from slavery, God gives them the Ten Commandments. These offer guidance for...

A few words from Fr Joe…………..

“Remember thou are but dust and onto dust you will return.” With these words, and the marking of our foreheads with black dust, from old palms, we embark on a journey of 40 days in preparation for Easter, our annual Lenten pilgrimage. The exuberance of Mardi Gras, or...