‘This is what the Kingdom of God is like …’

This Sunday, the Old Testament reading, Psalm and Gospel alike all use simple and beautiful images from nature to teach us eternal truths. It is as if we are being encouraged to both see and draw from the wisdom of God as expressed throughout the natural world. The...

A few words from Fr Joe………..

 Last weekend we welcomed Fr Clement and members of the Indian Community from the Syro-Malabar church to visit here in Mount Merrion. The came to each Mass to share their story of the suffering and hardship that COVID 19 has brought to their family and friends back...

A few words from Fr. Joe

The lifting of the restrictions on intercounty travel was very uplifting for all those who live locally and have family and friends in other parts of the country. We have all been living for many months in our local area, rarely putting fuel in the car, as so many...