A few words from Fr Joe………………

During the week, at a Board of Management meeting in a local school, held outdoors, we spotted the ‘fruit and vegetable’ bed where the boys and girls had been busy tending to their plants. I couldn’t resist having a look, and then taking and eating a strawberry! Oh my...

A few words from Fr Joe………………

On midsummers day, June 21st, I jumped in the car and headed down to Waterford with 3 priest friends for a few days away. It was the first proper break for all of us since last summer and the long winter coping with Covid. It was a time to rest and relax, to chat...

‘Do not be afraid; only have faith!’

Central to today’s readings is God the giver of life. We are encouraged to have faith in the Lord and in the life that God brings – not just here on earth, but also in heaven. The passage from the Book of Wisdom in the First Reading, reminds us that God creates all...

A few words from Fr Joe

You have probably seen, and chuckled at the advertisement on TV centred on a video call between a young man and his dad. The two live in different worlds, the dad is with his wife, an avid walker, and his animals, at home on the farm in rural Ireland, while the very...

A few words from Fr Joe………….

I saw a graph in this morning’s paper illustrating the dramatic fall in the numbers of people in hospital and in ICU with Covid 19, it was a very uplifting image. We had hoped that the effect of the vaccines would be swift and the evidence shows that to be the case....