A few words from Fr Joe………………

I’m just back from a week’s holiday relaxed and refreshed, what a difference the weather makes. I was with my sister and a priest friend in Derry, a city so perfectly perched on the Foyle with Donegal on one flank and the beautiful North Coast on the other. Derry...

‘You must come away … and rest for a while’

The readings this week offer a welcome invitation to spend more time with our loving Lord who is our shepherd, and in whom we find nourishment, shelter, and peace for our minds and bodies. In the First Reading, the prophet Jeremiah introduces the image of the...

A few words from Fr Joe………………

Last Sunday evening a friend came round for a bite to eat and to watch the final of Euro 2020 with me. Like everyone else we too had to choose a side. As we both lived in Rome for a few years and came to love and admire so much of Italian life and culture it was hard...

Jesus calls us to be missionaries

By virtue of their Baptism, every Catholic is called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ – a mission which cannot be separated from the Catholic Church. It is truly Baptism that makes us missionaries. A baptized person who does not feel the need to proclaim...

A few words from Fr. Joe …..

For fans of sport there has been such an abundance of coverage of games during the week, that you might never have left the couch! Rugby and GAA, Golf and Tennis, Cycling and Soccer, all being played at the highest level by exceptionally talented men and women. Some...

Task Force

Dear Parishioners, Archbishop Farrell has recently established a Task Force called “Building Hope”. This Building Hope Task Force has been asked to assess the needs of the people of the Archdiocese as they emerge from Covid-19 and how the Archdiocese might undertake a...