A few words from Fr Joe………………

Good news is always welcome and it has been great during the week to hear about the plan for reopening society as we learn to live with the residual of Covid. The expression ‘new normal’ is being used to describe how we will do things in a familiar way, with great...

‘You must do what the word tells you’

Our readings this week encourage us to pay attention to the ways in which the word of God truly influences how we live our lives.  Although we all too often fail to live up to the example set for us, we are none the less assured of an abundance of gifts, because of...

A few words from Fr Joe….

This weekend we remember Fr Tony at his second anniversary. His fruitful ministry, courage and strength, pastoral vision and compassion for others will always be in our minds and hearts. This time last year we planted a tree, placed a bench and memorial and connected...

Christ, the Bread of Life

This is the first of several Sunday Gospels where we contemplate Jesus’s teaching on the bread of life. It follows last week’s account of the feeding of the five thousand. The First Reading tells us of the hungry, grumbling Israelites in the desert and the gift of...

A few words from Fr. Joe…

Last Sunday Pope Francis gave us the first ‘Day of Prayer for Grandparents and Elderly people’. As I had been away for the previous week I didn’t have time to read up on it before preparing the newsletter. So, my apologies that it wasn’t promoted in advance. I did...