The Lord gave his Spirit to them all!

Today’s readings sound a note of warning against the small-heartedness that seeks to limit God’s love, or reject the action of God’s Spirit in the world. They proclaim the indwelling of the Spirit in the lives of all. Moses rejoices that two elders absent from the...

A few words from Fr Joe………………

Each year when the appeal is made for Crosscare we are reminded of the many ways the Church in Dublin is at the service of the poor and people in need here at home. The range of services Crosscare offers embraces many aspects of life dealing with hunger and...

You are the Christ!’

This Sunday we contemplate Jesus, who is, as Peter declares, the Christ, the anointed one of God. Our readings help us to understand the journey Jesus takes to show his love for us. The First Reading from Isaiah is part of the song of the Suffering Servant. He is to...

A few words from Fr Joe………………

The last trip I made before Covid was a two-night visit to Munich to visit my niece, her husband and two children. I always enjoy seeing them when they visit Ireland but with so many people to see and so much to do when they are back, it is hard to have much time with...