‘Mine is not a kingdom of this world’

The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, brings the Church’s year to a close, and calls us to celebrate again Jesus’s victory over suffering and death. As servants, we offer all that we are, and invite him to reign within our hearts, so that we can...

A few words from Fr Joe………………..

I can’t remember the last time a week passed by and I didn’t say at least one funeral Mass. Free from that obligation I’ve been busy this week with some of the practical things that need to be attended too at the three churches. An issue with the ‘Loop’ system in...

‘I keep the Lord ever in my sight’

As the Church’s year draws to a close, the readings this Sunday speak both of endings and eternal beginnings. All of them offer hope and direction to communities living in the midst of turbulent change and uncertainty. The Prophet Daniel in the First Reading offers...

A few words from Fr Joe………………

I don’t often catch the bus early in the morning when students are on their way to school. Yet there I was the other day, just after 8, waiting and watching as bus after bus disgorged boys and girls, all in uniform, some chatting together, most alone, earbuds in...

A few words from Fr Joe………………….

I have a grandniece called Cleo, a beautiful girl, with long curly hair, a magic smile and a happy disposition. When I heard that a little girl with the same name had disappeared from a camping site in Australia, during a family holiday, it registered with me and I...

‘Happy the poor in spirit’

Our readings this week explore the concepts of generosity, humility and self-giving. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they encourage us to live our lives as generously as Jesus did. The First Reading tells us of a poor destitute widow who shows great generosity in...