The Lord is very near: Rejoice!

This Third Sunday of Advent is often called ‘Gaudete Sunday’ from the first word of the Entrance Antiphon in Latin: ‘Gaudete!’ – that is, ‘Rejoice!’ It is as though, like small children, we can barely wait to celebrate the wonder and joy of Christmas, the coming of...

A few words from Fr Joe………………….

One evening after Mass a parishioner slipped me an envelope, with the brief comment, ‘something nice for yourself.’ I was delighted to open it when I got home and find inside a single ticket for “Jack B Yeats: Painting and Memory”. I knew that the National Gallery was...

‘Prepare a way for the Lord!’

Today’s readings offer the gift of joy, and the invitation to hear and respond to God who is reaching out to draw us ever closer. In the First Reading, the Prophet Baruch reminds us that, despite all the challenges to our faith and hope in the Lord, we are called to...

A few words from Fr Joe………………….

Turn on the lights! Well, as we are now into December, and it is so dark and cold, I for one love to see the seasonal lights appearing. The big bright lights which transform the city centre, ripple through the shopping centres, rise from the tower in RTE, land at the...

‘Stay awake, praying at all times’

Today marks the beginning of Advent, a time of watchfulness, waiting and renewed hope, as we get ready to welcome the Lord into our hearts and lives this Christmas. The First Reading focuses our gaze on God’s promise to David to raise up a ‘virtuous branch’. God...

A few words from Fr Joe…………………..

Energy! Every parish needs plenty of energy. The energy that comes from the sun certainly gives us a lift and makes the church building and environment more pleasant, the energy that comes from the Spirit leads our hearts and minds along the right path, but the energy...