A few words from Fr Joe……Mass in the Cathedral

Last Sunday I sat in the pews for a change, attending the 11.00am Mass at the Cathedral in Porto. Walking oh so slowly up the steepest set of steps I’ve ever climbed I wondered if the option of watching Fr Brian on the live stream might not have been the better...

Do what He tells you

In the First Reading this week, Isaiah uses the beautiful imagery of a wedding to describe the ways in which the deep love of God for his people will transform our lives. God delights in us: ‘As the bridegroom rejoices in his bride so will your God rejoice in you’....

A few words from Fr Joe…………………

I bumped into three mums outside the school one day during the week. They were chatting, keeping an eye on their kids playing nearby and waiting for the others to finish school. I’ve often found this to be a fantastic time to have an impromptu meeting with parents, a...

A few words from Fr Joe…………….

Capodanno, is the word you might see in Italy on posters advertising the New Year celebrations. Until I spent one end of year holiday in Amalfi I had no idea what an exuberant and joyful celebrations the Italians enjoy. I well remember that New Year’s Eve in 1990,...

Introducing a novel way of making donations in the Church.

During the pandemic many parishioners, young and old, have contributed to the church, priests and parish, using cards alongside the normal cash. The move to standing orders, tap and pay, online donations have all been an invaluable support, thank you. For a long time,...

A few words from Fr Joe…………

The last days of the year will follow our Christmas celebrations and soon 2022 will begin. It’s impossible to say farewell to 2021 without first saying a strong word of thanks to all who have given time, energy and support to the parish during this very trying year....