A few words from Fr Joe………………………….

Last Sunday in Kilmacud Parish, Sr. Maria Elena Morales Quintero made her final religious profession as a Clarissan Missionary Sister of the Blessed Sacrament. The gathering in the church for this celebration was unique, religious sisters, priests and people from all...

A few words from Fr Joe…………………

It was leek and potato soup, eaten in a café in Belfast, which gave me one of the worst cases of food poisoning in my whole life. So, after a rotten night I headed back down to Dublin for a wedding. Sitting in the sacristy I was weak, dehydrated, very much feeling the...

‘Put out into deep water!’

The readings for this Sunday speak of Christ’s call to us, and the mission given to each of us to follow him and to proclaim the Lord’s message. The prophet Isaiah describes a vision of the Lord of Hosts (First Reading). Although overwhelmed by his own sinfulness, the...

Christ the prophet

Following Jesus’s own use of words from the prophet of Isaiah in last week’s Gospel, the readings for this Sunday bring us to consider the rejection faced by God’s prophets. But we also receive words we can rely on, words of love and trust. God’s words to Jeremiah, in...

A few words from Fr Joe…………

For Catholic Schools Week, I welcome these inspiring words from one of our local sportsmen speaking to the pupils. First and foremost, you should all be proud of yourselves as young people for coming through the last 18 – 24 months as all aspects of your lives...

‘Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life’

On this ‘Sunday of the Word of God’, we are invited to deepen our relationship with the Lord through our devotion and dedication to reading and praying with scripture. In each reading, we hear how the Spirit of the Lord revives, liberates, sustains, unites and gives...