A few words from Fr Joe……………..

This Ash Wednesday was my third here in the parish, and my first time to distribute ashes and pray with parishioners in person. I don’t ever remember being so happy to begin Lent! I shared with the congregation that I once gave up sugar for Lent and when Easter came...

The disciple will imitate their teacher

This Sunday’s readings remind us that our words and actions reflect the reality of our inner selves. Even as we pray and long to live the values of Jesus, our speech may betray the ways in which we have yet to be fully converted, and show our need for God’s mercy. The...

A few words from Fr Joe……………..

A good question for a quiz might be, when does Lent 2022 begin and end, and how many days are there in Lent? Everyone will get the number of days correct, it’s 40, and all know that Ash Wednesday is the first day, but not everyone would guess that the Sundays are not...

‘My soul, give thanks to the Lord!’

Today’s readings invite and challenge us to live generous, kind-hearted lives of compassion, mercy and love. In the First Reading, David, the future king of Israel, shows great magnanimity in sparing the life of his persecutor Saul. The dramatic incident in the camp...

A few words from Fr Joe………….

When I studied in Rome and lived in the Teutonic College our bedrooms looked out over the Paul VI Hall. Once during those years there was a Synod of Bishops which lasted a month. Every morning as we left for class we had to make our way through hundreds of noisy...

Happy are those who trust in the Lord

The theme of this Sunday’s readings can be summarised in two words: Happiness and Trust. Looking for happiness has always been at the core of people’s preoccupations. In the First Reading, Jeremiah tells his audience that they need to make a clear choice: they either...