A few words from Fr Joe…………….

This weekend is a time for prayers for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life. Every year on Good Shepherd Sunday, in the middle of the Easter Season, we pray that the seed of vocation will awaken a call in those the Lord is inviting to dedicate their...

He saw and he believed!

Happy Easter! Welcome to this Easter season, a fifty-day meditation on the mystery of the Lord’s Resurrection. We begin it, today, by visiting the empty tomb with Mary, Peter and John (Gospel). All of them fail to understand the teaching of the scripture at first, but...

A few words for Easter Sunday

Images flash in front of us all day everyday. Some capture a moment of human experience, the camera freezes the action, we see what the photographer observed at the moment the shutter clicked. Maybe you saw an image of an ecstatic Rory Mc Ilroy when his bunker shot on...

‘Into your hands I commit my spirit’

This Sunday, we begin the holiest week of the Church’s liturgical year. We read two passages from the Gospels, relating how the joyful entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, accompanied by crowds who acclaim him as Saviour and King, gave way to his betrayal and death, alone...

A few words from Fr Joe

When I was 16 or 17 my sister invited me to join her for the Holy Week liturgies in a neighbouring parish. She approached Holy Week almost as if it was a time of retreat. Their church was round, with the altar and sanctuary in the middle, the first modern church in...

‘Rejoice! This child of mine was lost, and is found!’

On this Laetare (‘Rejoice!’) Sunday midway through Lent, we are encouraged to celebrate with hope and joy before we enter the darker times of Holy Week. Today we particularly rejoice in the reconciliation and forgiveness of sins bought for us by Jesus’s suffering and...