A few words from Fr Joe………..

A few years ago, I was in the company of some Jewish people, they were from a liberal faith community and in the course of the conversation they used the words, observant and orthodox, a lot. They explained that they belonged to a tradition, with many rules, and...

A few words from Fr Joe…………………….

We have had a lot of funerals here in recent months. When I mention that to my own family and friends they often ask, “is the parish very old?”. Of course, they mean are the parishioners mostly in their senior years! It is true that many of the wonderful folks free to...

‘Love one another, just as I have loved you’

As Eastertide continues, we are invited to live as part of God’s glorious plan to bring about a new creation. Jesus’s new commandment to ‘love one another just as I have loved you’ is the key to transforming our world. (Gospel) The First Reading continues the story of...

A few words from Fr Joe…………….

This weekend we have a collection for ‘Lay Ministry”, it replaces the traditional collection for the support of students for the priesthood, which we normally had on the Sunday after Good Shepherd Sunday with all its emphasis on vocations. So, last weekend we may have...

‘I know them and they follow me.’

On this ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’, the Gospel verses are taken from the tenth chapter of St John. Here Jesus speaks of himself as the Good Shepherd, who brings life, love and protection to those within his flock. In the First Reading we follow Paul and Barnabas to...