A few words from Fr Joe……………..

I saw four teenaged girls in full school uniform on the street the other day, I checked my watch for the date, August 24th, where did the summer go! So, a week earlier than I’d planned, let’s give a big shout out for all the school communities gathering in again for...

‘The last shall be first …’

This Sunday’s scripture bears testimony to the universal outreach of the Lord. Our God is one who desires to gather all people, from far and wide – north, south, east and west – and from lands that have never heard of the Lord. God also wishes to reach those who are...

A few words from Archbishop Dermot

So what do we do? Like a garden, our communities of faith need constant attention. We are called to listen to each other, and also listen to God. How might we do this? As next steps on the way, you might consider the following: We need functioning structures—parish...

There is more to life than wealth and riches

Today’s readings are about material things and our attitude towards them. Are they at the centre of our lives? The texts also suggest that what we are is more important than what we have. Qoheleth, ‘the Preacher’, who wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes 300 years before...

A few words from Father Joe…………………

Last week when I was writing these few words I hadn’t realised that it was a weekend of special prayers for Grandparents and the elderly. Pope Francis, who is getting on in years himself, has many kind and thoughtful things to say to, and about, the senior members of...