A few words from Fr Joe……………….

I went to Irish College in St Michael’s, Omeath, in 1972. I don’t think it was very successful in so far as learning the language went but a couple of very strong memories remain with me from that experience. The first is of being with the children displaced from...

‘If you are the Son of God …’

As we begin this journey through Lent, we trust in the call of the Spirit who beckons us out into the wilderness, to see more clearly, to love more dearly, and to follow, more nearly, the Lord of Life. The First Reading shows that faith in the Lord leads to...

A few words from Fr Joe……………..

This Ash Wednesday was my third here in the parish, and my first time to distribute ashes and pray with parishioners in person. I don’t ever remember being so happy to begin Lent! I shared with the congregation that I once gave up sugar for Lent and when Easter came...