‘And who is my neighbour?‘

Today’s readings celebrate the nearness of the Lord to us. Created through God and for God, we are drawn ever closer by peace and reconciliation. Not only that. We are also called to become like the Lord in our service to all. The First Reading commands us to love,...

A few words from Fr Joe…………………

Many single people eat alone most of the time, maybe with the radio playing in the background; familiar voices and music softens the isolation. As someone who is single, and lives alone I can speak both to the value and pain of sitting without company at the table,...

The Kingdom of God is very near you!

We are called and sent to bring the deep peace of the kingdom of God into the world. The prophet Isaiah (First Reading) proclaims a joyful time of peace that flows like a river from the healing, comforting love of God, which is compared to the intimate, tender bond...

A few words from Fr Joe……………….

I’m sure we have all spent some time during the week wishing the weather was better, praying for some sunshine, asking God to banish the dark clouds, heavy rain and bring us some of the blue skies and gentle breezes that we need so much. The weather of course is one...