A few words from Fr Joe…………………

Walking through the church grounds the other day I stopped to watch the gardeners at work. One man was blowing the leaves into piles, while another shovelled them into blue bags. His friend was bent over digging small holes under a tree, preparing a place for bulbs...

A few words from Fr Joe

A priest from my local parish worked on the Missions. He came home every few years and was always a welcome visitor to our school and sometimes he said Mass in the parish. He was different from our regular priests, warm and friendly, full of life, always joyful and...

God be merciful to me, a sinner!

  Honesty and humility seem to go hand in hand, and our readings this week show how essential these attitudes are to our prayer. In our First Reading we learn that God listens with special care to the humble. In his justice, he is no respecter of ‘personages’:...