A few words from Fr Joe……………..

Advent is an invitation to enter into the plan of God for the whole human family. Ours is a world that God loves so much that he sends his only Son, Jesus, to live among us. It’s a radical choice, a huge risk, and yet ‘even though his state was divine’ he humbled...

‘For you my soul is thirsting, O Lord my God’

Today’s readings remind us that the path of love leads us away from ourselves. This is always painful, but ultimately it is a path that leads us to the fullness of life. Peter’s journey of faith (Gospel) earns him the severe disapproval of Jesus, who has started to...

A few words from Fr Joe…………………..

On one of the rare warm sunny evenings during the summer I sat on a wall in Blackrock. The sun was setting across the wide expanse of sand, and lots of young people had congregated. I noticed three boys sharing a pizza, some girls taking pics for their Instagram,...