A few words from Fr Joe…………….

On St Patrick’s Day, the Archbishop of Dublin preached a very interesting homily at the Pro-Cathedral. The full text of what he said can be found on the Diocesan website and might make for interesting reading. In his insightful and challenging words, he highlights the...

Rejoice! In Christ we are a new creation

On this Laetare (‘Rejoice!’) Sunday at the mid-point of Lent, our liturgy centres on the boundless forgiveness of our loving God.  We may choose to turn away from his love, but God forever turns towards us, longing to embrace us with compassion and rejoicing when we...

Mount Merrion Parish Community Centre (MMPCC)

Position of Manager of Centre The Parish Priest and Management Committee invite applications for the position of Manager of the Centre MMPCC is owned and managed by the Catholic Parish of St Therese, Mount Merrion. The objective of the Parish Centre is to build up...