In this time of worldwide fear and uncertainty, we are called to a deepening faith in our Lord, our stronghold and hope. As Christians, we also try to be a beacon of light for our fellow human beings.

The First Reading picks up the early Christian story immediately after Jesus’s ascension: Mary the mother of Jesus, his disciples and extended family gather in the upper room to await in prayer the coming of the Holy Spirit.

The Gospel also takes us back to a special place, the room where the Last Supper took place. Here Jesus prays, making known to his disciples – and to us – the name and teachings of the Father. Eternal life is to know the Father and Christ and their intimate relationship together.

The Psalm exudes trust and confidence in the God of the living; it inspires us to seek the Lord’s face and get to know him.

In the Second Reading, Peter gives his community encouragement as they endure challenges and hard times. He assures them of a special blessing if they live the values of Christ.

As the Easter Season draws to a close, we might pray together:
‘Lord, we believe you are indeed our light, help and stronghold in these dark times. May your Holy Spirit comfort us all; and may our relationship of loving trust with you deepen.’