This week’s readings, reveal a God with power. As God’s creatures, the forces of nature listen to and obey the voice of their Creator. Though the storms of fear and doubt may have played more significant roles in our lives during this past year, God’s love continues to speak to us with words of calm, as it did to Job (First Reading).

It is the love of Christ, not the storm, which ‘overwhelms us’ (Second Reading).

This love is shown in the Gospel, when Jesus ‘rebukes the wind’ and the wind and waves obey. He is revealing something about his divine nature. ‘Who can this be?’ the disciples are led to ask as they are filled with awe. Their question may also be seeking a faith response in us as well.

Let’s begin to ponder our own responses with the help of these scripture passages. Although we may yet be experiencing storms blowing around and within us, let’s listen for that strong, yet calm voice, which brings with it peace and security.

We may want to pray that the voice of the psalmist may echo throughout our lives in the coming week: ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever’.