In this week’s readings, we are invited to reflect on our need for a change of heart. We are called to follow the Lord‘s way, as we try to model our actions and words on his. The Jews in exile complained that the Lord was unjust, but the prophet Ezekiel tells them they should look at their own behaviour rather than blame others. God will save those who are law-abiding
and honest – those who follow his way (First Reading)

St Paul encourages the Philippians to be united in love, purpose and mind, which they should model on the mind of Christ himself. Although divine and equal with God, Christ was humble enough to become as we are, and even then to die on a cross(Second Reading)

The Lord is merciful and forgiving; he is always ready to show us the way and guide us to walk in his paths. (Psalm)

No matter which group in society we belong to, only a true change of heart, where we welcome the Good News, will open the way to the Kingdom of God (Gospel)

This week, I may want to focus on trying to live according to Jesus’s values.
I ask the Lord to help shape my mind to be like his, so that people around me will see that love is shown in deeds more than in words