This weekend there are 7 special liturgies scheduled for Communions and Confirmation celebrations. Over 200 children and their families are anticipating the gatherings that were postponed in the Spring to take place this weekend. As I write, on Thursday morning, it’s impossible to know what will actually happen. In the new guidelines that were issued during the week, Level 2 and a half permits these celebrations, but if we move to Level 3 then it’s not possible as all liturgies will move online with no one attending in person. This is not a very comfortable place to be! However, disruptions to life have become pretty normal for everyone and after 6 months of coping with Covid 19 we are all adept at making the changes that the virus demands. Last Saturday during the celebration of Confirmation I was struck again by the simple support that the gifts of the Holy Spirit bring and ‘patience’ is one which I struggle with but know would be a huge help at this time. Perseverance too is an amazing gift and the strength shown by those who are guiding us through this turbulent time so often draws on the example of the frontline workers, the carers and those who risk their own health to support the sick and vulnerable. Every now and again during the week the voice of a survivor of Covid is heard on the airwaves and their gratitude for the return to good health always sounds like a prayer of thanksgiving. So, we will adapt and accommodate and do what is necessary and now, or in time, we will have all these celebrations