In this week’s readings we hear about the choices that have to be made in living a life in Christ, as well as of God’s generosity to anyone who welcomes a prophet or disciple.

This is illustrated in the First Reading, where God rewards the repeated kindnesses of a childless couple towards the prophet Elisha with the gift of a child.

The Psalm is full of praise for the Lord, expressing the psalmist’s joy and trust in the Lord’s everlasting love and faithfulness.

In the Second Reading, St Paul emphasizes that in baptism we are dying to our old self, to sin, and moving into a new life lived in Christ.

The Gospel sees Jesus continuing to instruct the disciples in their mission, telling them of the demands in following his way. But he also assures them of God’s great generosity– both to them and also to anyone who welcomes them. In doing so, they are welcoming Jesus himself, and even the smallest kindness will be rewarded.

This week, perhaps I might pray for the grace to follow Christ more nearly, to see him more clearly, and to love him more dearly as I welcome him in others.