The readings this week speak of the need for those who believe in God to show that this makes a difference to the way they treat others. It is not enough to believe; we are asked to give evidence of our faith by showing others what God is like through the way we live.

We are called to serve the hungry, the homeless, and the destitute; to act in ways that prevent oppression, anger and harsh words (First Reading); to speak, not out of our own goodness or holiness, but in the power that comes from the Holy Spirit (Second Reading); to become like lights shining in the darkness,
so that our good works encourage others in their journey towards the praise of God in their own lives (Gospel).

If we live in these ways, the Lord promises us lives of integrity, free from fear and full of trust in God. We will find joy in living in the presence of the Lord (Psalm).

We pray for the grace to become humble servants relying only on God to help us serve others (Second Reading)